We're Dan, Dave and Tom, the Good Guys! Let's meet the team:
Dan Baker
2715 Oriole Ln NW Hackensack, MN 56452
Phone - (218) 682-2739 Email dan@beercansplus.com |
I started collecting beer cans in 1971. I became a BCCA (Beer can collectors of America) member that same year, my BCCA # Is 2048. I am a active collector, I specialize in Wisconsin flat tops, and Opening Instruction cans. I am the web master, I also do many of the beer can Appraisals. My specialty in pricing cans is Opening Instruction cans, and most flat tops. |
Dave Cichoracki 23159 N Shore Dr Edwardsburg, MI 49112
Phone - (574) 532-1383 Email dave@beercansplus.com
Dave Cichoracki (CHIX) has been collecting beer cans since 1974, and is BCCA #29702. Dave had a incredible cone top collection until 2004 when he sold it. Dave now specializes in 12 ounce Rainier Jubilee flat tops and zip tops. Dave is our organizer, cleans and wraps our cans, and does most of the traveling, to purchase collections. Dave's specialty in pricing cans is cone tops, tab tops and soda cans. |
Tom Rutledge 69079 Maple St Edwardsburg, MI 49112 |
Phone - (574) 532-1381 Email tom@beercansplus.com
Tom Rutledge has been collecting soda cans since 2002, and is BCCA #33072. Tom is the fixer, Tom does all our repairs on our cans. Tom does can lidding, removing dents, and stretching cans. Tom loves soda cans with any kind of sports scene on the can. He also has a good knowledge of both soda and beer cans. |
With a average of 38 years in the hobby we have handled some of the rarest, most exciting cans and made some of the most significant finds.
Beercansplus.com has gained a huge following of satisfied customers, consignors and we will continue to put our customers first.
Our specialty at Beercansplus is finding the rarest cans that have ever been known to exist in collections, cans that were never documented, or just forgotten about and sitting in some closet or attic. We at Beercansplus now have many carpenters, plumbers, roofers, and demolition companies that have our phone number on speed dial when there is a find of beer cans or soda cans!
Beercansplus has also bought some of the largest collections, containing some of the rarest cans known in the hobby. We take great pride on how we handle the purchasing of the cans from fellow collectors. Many of our customers that decide to sell their cans, have put many months and years into building up their prize collections. We handle these deals with the utmost respect, its tough to let something go that has brought many years of happiness. We know, since the three of us are collectors and have been for many years.
We get asked many times "what do you mean by black lighting your cans?" We have been getting into the habit of taking a black light to our cans, this will ensure that the beer can you get from us has not been air-brushed. The technique of air-brushing a beer can is undetectable with out using a black light. It would surprise most how many cans have came through our hands that have had some kind of restoration done.
Another question we can asked quite often is "do you guys check out any other beer can web sites?" Yes we do, we use other sites as a reference for pricing cans, even shopping for cans for are own personal collections. A price of a beer can is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it, on that particular day. Some of our favorite sites include...
(Beercanhistory.com) This is a great site to get the history of certain cans, one of my favorite sites to visit. This is a very informative site.
(BCCA.com) The BCCA, or Brewery Collectors Club of America is the largest beer can collector organization in the world.
(Therustybunch.com) In my opinion the most informative site on the web, If you need a answer, post your question and I guarantee you will get a answer.
Beer Cans Plus, P.O. Box 6, Granger, IN 46530